Dheeran Academy (CBSE), aims to educate the children to fulfill the highest ideals of learning. They learn to appreciate the differences in the accepted social and moral codes of behaviour. They should be prepared to resist the yoke of superstition and custom, to use their own initiative, to accept discipline, responsibility and leadership. They should outgrow the fear of unpopularity and defeat. They should have increasing opportunities, as they grow older, to take charge, to organize, to act on their own and, in consequence, to make mistakes and learn from these.
They should know that education cannot be divorced from standards of social behaviour. Their good manners should be as reliable in the company of their inferiors on of their superiors or equals. They should feel quite at home with strangers, both men and women, and be able to take part in an intelligent conversation without shyness or aggression. They should find happiness in good fellowship and friendliness, and while slow to make friends, should be slower still to make enemies. They should have their temper and emotions under control but never be afraid of righteous anger. They should form a stronger resolve to serve their country and their fellow men and women, both in their daily work and in some of their spare time. They should have at least an elementary understanding of the main social, political and economic problems of their own country and they should believe that some work for the welfare of the poor and some share in the duties of the good citizens are obligatory on every self-respecting man and woman.
They should be able to lead a simple clean life, should enjoy physical effort, adventure and a spice of danger, and pride themselves on being able to look after themselves. They should learn the value of money, and be able to live within their income and be competent to deal with a bill, cheque, money-order or pass-book.
They should have the habit of reading widely for themselves both for information and pleasure and should know how to take notes of their reading, to extract information from a reference library. They should also be in the habit of reading a daily newspaper, framing their own judgements, distrusting second hand opinions and not taking for gospel everything in print. They should be able to speak and write equally fluently in our national language, in English and in the mother-tongue. They should know how to learn and have a desire to go on learning, and be able to do a good deal of solid work without a teacher always at their side.
They should develop artistic talent of some kind which they may possess. But whether they have such a talent or not, they should be trained to appreciate natural beauty, to criticize the art and design of others, and develop a cultural taste.
They should be able to play games, to ride, swim and run in order to develop the virtues of courage, unselfishness, and good sportsmanship to win coordination between mind and body, and to possess healthy form of recreation for their leisure hours. They should know how to win and keep good health and should be sensibly but frankly instructed, in all matters of personal and public hygiene. They should be able to make good use of their leisure and possess resources for their own amusement and pleasure where alone or in the company of their friends. They should have no cause to feel bored either by themselves or with others if cut off from urban entertainments and comforts. They should have sufficient inexpensive hobbies, as will interest them in every likely situation in which they may find themselves.
Finally, they should have a healthy sense of the richness of the country's past history, the heritage of splendour and greatness into which they have entered, and they should resolve that their lives shall be devoted to the service and to the service of their fellow men and women. If the time comes for them to leave, they can claim to have achieved more than a few of those ideals, they will be able to look back with pride and affection to the years of their schooling, and to the school which admitted them as children, and sent them out as men and women. We can think of no finer purpose to which we may offer our loyalty than the production of such men and women for the service of India and her people.